Mystic Harbour Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrades

Project consisted of the design of expansion constructed wetlands tertiary treatment facilities to remove nitrogen down to permitted levels. This expansion tripled the treatment capacity of the facility enabling the purification of wastewater form an additional 500 homes. Project is located in West Ocean City, Maryland.

Queen Annes County BNR Constructed Wetlands Treatment System

The Queen Annes County BNR project consisted of the design of tertiary treatment constructed wetlands to reduce the nitrogen levels of the existing effluent prior to discharge into the Chesapeake Bay. This design 1/20th of the ultimate desired capacity system has been rigorously tested at full design flow. It is planned to construct an additional 19 beds and provide for natural treatment in a nature-park wildlife refuge setting. Project is located in Stevensville, Maryland.

Holy Name Friary Constructed Wetlands Treatment System

This project consisted of the design of a tertiary treatment wetlands to complement a secondary treatment plant. This system was designed to replace a failing septic system. Treatment levels have remained excellent. Project is located in Ringwood, New Jersey.